5 simple steps to boost your creativity

How can you improve your creativity?

Arnosh Italia
3 min readDec 25, 2020

We often have mental blocks when it comes to becoming more creative. We know that creativity has no boundaries, no protocol to follow and is intangible.

According to Marjorie Taylor, a psychologist and professor emerita at the University of Oregon, asking simple questions cannot gauge the creativity. Instead, creativity evaluation is a complicated process defined by various psychologists aiming to understand originality, flexibility, fluency, simplicity and they all come with their drawbacks. Let’s talk about how we can increase our level of creativity in 5 different steps.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. — Albert Einstein

Inspirational ritual: Try reading or listening to autobiographies of leaders, innovators and entrepreneurs. Podcasts and Youtube are great tools to explore and inspire creativity.

Podcast are best at motivation.

Try to create something everyday — Try to find different uses of coffee mugs, chairs, spoons every day. See how you can find existing solutions for the usefulness of these items.

Be creative in what you do.

Ask the right questions — Inorder to begin with a creative session, always start with why, how, what, when problems and try to answer them. Reward yourself by answering these questions.

Ask the right questions.

Fight Fear of Failure — It is very evident to make mistakes as we are humans, but the fear of making mistakes or failure should not stop us from succeeding. Always soothe yourself by saying failure is a part of success. After a power struggle with an attitude of not giving up, you would meet success.

Do not fear from your past failures.

Keep a Creativity Journal — Start maintaining a journal to create a record of your creative ideas. A journal helps to note down the thoughts that we often stumble up, and we try to solve them with the possible solutions. The journal helps to save ideas that can later serve as future inspiration. Your journal can contain mind-maps, which are brilliant in connecting ideas and looking for ingenious answers to questions. Always create a mind map by writing down a central topic or word. Next, link related terms or concepts around the prominent name.

Record your thoughts and ideas in your journal.

The tool I can recommend here is “https://answerthepublic.com/" which helps you brainstorming the ideas and offers an exact visual way of seeing how these ideas are interlinked. When you sit to start a new project, create a flow chart to track the project’s progress from start to end. Look for various alternative paths or sequences of events that might occur or are possible. A flow chart can help you conceptualize an idea of the product and cut the potential problems and create unique solutions.

I hope this helps every one of us to check and build our creativity.



Arnosh Italia

Brand Specialist, Digital Marketing Scholar with 9+ years in Community Building and an Event Specialist