After-effect of Covid-19

Arnosh Italia
5 min readAug 1, 2020


What are the current challenges Indian industries are struggling due to Covid-19 and how have I found a way to tackle them.

Have we ever realized how Covid-19 has affected those who are not affected by the virus?

The scenario of Indian industries is pictured to be always struggling because its still been listed under developing countries. The truth is that many would consider India to be under-developed due to the persistence of extensive poverty in the standards of living.

We are aware of the current market situation, which is trending due to the entry of new novel Corona Virus (Covid-19).Covid-19 a well known antisocial element has not only made people lose their lives but has also snatched bread and butter from those who are not infected by the virus. People have lost their jobs and daily wages which has raised a big question mark on their survival. I have also been through the same phase with increased difficulties at multiple levels. Before I take this further, I would like to give you an Idea about my profession. I am an automotive engineer who’s specialized in marketing of two-wheeler manufacturing companies with an experience of 5 years.

Have you heard of Darwin’s Principle?

Darwin’s Principle of Origin of Species states that “ Survival of the form that will leave the most copies of itself in successive generations.”.More commonly know as “Survival of the fittest” which was coined later by Herbert Spencer. This phrase was a source of my inspiration during my downtimes.

So let’s look at the positive side of what Covid-19 has taught me for my survival,

They are as follows:

  1. Hold on to your Patience level
Every new puzzle would need a lot of patience to solve

Never lose patience as its the most crucial factor that makes you feel better in all the worst-case scenarios. Holding onto your patience always raises a hope that leads to the direction of light. It is still good to keep pushing your boundaries and limits and never stop them with benefit of doubts. Try answering or at least finding answers to clear the doubts.

2. Learn skills that are not on your CV

Always be creative

I am an engineer by education and marketeer by profession. I know its a hard combination to find but yes its good to understand both the verticals. There are many skills like creative writing, colour palate study, project planning study, time management which I have learned during the lock downs. Also, I have understood that reading helps to establish good command over the language. Hence I have started reading more and more.

3. Work out options that will sustain your endurance.

Each option leads to different direction of life

Marketing as a stream had a proper scope and bright future, but unfortunately after Covid-19 outrage, this is the very first sector that loses its demand as there is are no sales happening. I belong to an automotive industry; thus, the market has crashed drastically. Therefore if I have to sustain my living, I have to build a channel that can fetch me some returns to earn a living . I have learned a lot about stocks, shares and equity exchange during this time to generate my revenue.

4. Don’t trust any verbal commitments

I don’t trust your words

The trade operation used to work on verbal commitments, and the marketing was through word of mouth. Now due to low annual income and no source of earning, none of the individuals trust verbal commitments. People are scared to invest even if they have the right amount of savings left with them. It is challenging to convince people, and the credit system has wholly vanished.

5. Do not refrain yourself to do blue-collar jobs

Any job can earn your living, your happiness lies in your satisfaction

Every job is equal and do not refrain yourself to do any blue-collar jobs. Ego and inferiority complex arises — complications and hindrances to the doors of success. I have myself cleaned a friend’s apartment and have done babysitting for my neighbors during this pandemic.

6. A healthy body resembles a fit mind

Yoga is a good exercise to improve mental health

Due to the series of things that were happening, I felt flummoxed and lost. All the negative thoughts had tapped my mind, and it was the only reason for my conflicts and anger. That’s when my wife explained to me how this stressed lifestyle affects the mind and body. The key here was to perform physical exercise daily, and in turn, it would feed your soul with more positive thoughts rather than sulking over the negative ones. I started a 5km run every evening to blend all the wisdom in me, and it helped me.

In conclusion life’s great opportunities come to those who believe in themselves and see life from a broader perspective. As the saying goes “Life is all about choices, ones destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes. Therefore those who have a happy and positive mind can lead a life of fulfilment and be self sufficient.



Arnosh Italia

Brand Specialist, Digital Marketing Scholar with 9+ years in Community Building and an Event Specialist