Untaught Marketing skill that you develop without reading books

A skill that we learn through experience

Arnosh Italia
3 min readMay 12, 2020
Untaught Marketing Skills

Where ever you go, you always hear the word “Marketing”. As an amateur, we are still unaware of what they mean. Does it mean selling products or advertising it? Well, this is something everyone explains to you or talks about. We as humans always tend to have ideas that are worth billions but to make this idea work and to understand actually what it takes to build that idea is painstaking effort. These ideas sound cool when your friends try to imbibe in you and you feel that each of these ideas has a lot of potentials until you start to explore. The world out here is vast with a lot of undiscovered elements that are yet to be known to humankind. Rightly said by Lolly Daskal, “What we don’t know we don’t know”. We are in a world to learn and understand things as and when we experience them. Let’s begin this journey with what is a market.

A Skill learned through experience

A word-wide word accepted as the market has multiple perceptions, some might mean a limited set of audience, well some would mean a widely accepted product audience, and some would want to create an audience that would buy their product. These all are fundamental types of markets. Few complicated ones are easily manipulated with unethical means like creating a scarcity of existing products to make it exclusive, illegally influencing, and changing the perception of an existing product in demand, and last but not the least is misleading or hiding the identity of an actual product. Everyone is forced to spend their annual income on the goods that the market decides for you and everyone adjusts or compromises as per market availability. There are customizations but to an extent where giants can afford it. Now we all have been familiarised with the bookish definition of word market and its Anglo-Norman French origin, but there are no books that explain how one looks like or does have a standard format of operation or how will it evolve in near future. Well, no answers make people more curious and not the best answer; none of the books can liberate you to what extent you can bargain.

Bargain, Bargain and Hard Bargain

I too don’t have an answer to what market means but in my perspective, its market is coined as a place for buying or selling goods and commodities. Markets can be of different types ranging from large scale, small scale, neighborhood, supermarts, pharmacies, automotive, and various other types. An emerging or evolving market of most modern times is the digital market running on e-commerce and Gig economy. Digital marketing has become quite essential these days as it’s more convenient, cost less, energy-efficient, and more tangible with feedback. With time we learn more and more.



Arnosh Italia

Brand Specialist, Digital Marketing Scholar with 9+ years in Community Building and an Event Specialist